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If you've been following along in the tutorials, you got to the Achievements page by selecting a section on the achievements graph on the Awards Summary page. It's important to note that you can get to the same page from a student's contextual menu using the Awards>Achievements link.

So we're on the Achievements page, but what are achievements exactly? They're a type of award that students can learn in Freeplay which they have access to after they complete the lesson assigned to them (or if they don't have a lesson). You can find out more in the What is Freeplay? tutorial if you haven't viewed it yet or need a refresher.

There are two types of achievements: common achievements that multiple games use, and unique achievements which can only be learned by playing a specific game. One type of common achievement is the Perfect Game award which a student can earn if they play a game in Freeplay without getting anything wrong. There are other achievements related to the time it takes the student to complete the game, correct answer streaks (answering multiple questions correct in a row), win streaks, achievements for limiting the number of listens they use. There are also meta awards they can earn if they collect a certain number of other achievements.

Each achievement has an icon associated with it along with information including the name of the achievement, the level (which ranges from 1 to 4 with 4 being the most difficult), and the game the student was playing when they earned the achievement. There's also an icon you can select that will display information about how the achievement is earned.

There are three drop-down menus that you can use to filter the awards that are displayed by level, by game, and by award type.

Achievements help motivate students to do some self-directed learning. We've heard from many teachers that are shocked to find out their students have learned advanced concepts and skills they weren't even aware of, all because they were having fun in Freeplay after they finished their lesson and decided to challenge themselves!

View the next tutorial: Medals