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What if you want to test the settings for a game or show something to a student in a game during a lesson? There's a really easy way to do that without having to edit the settings for a lesson using the Games>Test Games link in the main menu.

This page looks a lot like FreeplayTest button.

You'll see the same settings for each game as you would on the Game Settings page when you're editing a lesson, except for Number of Plays and the game switch which we don't need since this game we're testing doesn't belong to a lesson. One really important thing: whenever you change any of the settings on this page, you need to use the yellow Refresh Settings button to load the new settings into the game, refreshing the browser won't work. Now that we've had a little detour into the games, let's go back and take a closer look at some more important things you should know about lessons!

View the next tutorial: The Lesson Page & Custom Templates